Protected: 06-08 Crisis – How the Banks Did It – Record 002b – Banks Bundled Bad Debt, Bet Against It and Won

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Protected: 06-08 Crisis – How the Banks Did It – Record 001a – Wall Street Plays Hardball

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“Tolong jelasin masalah resesi dong”

recession-2008(Conversation as of 19 October 2008)

yyyy(9:43:38 PM): btw tlg jelasin masalah resesi dong

yyyy(9:43:43 PM): gw ga ngerti nih hehehe

yyyy(9:43:47 PM): lo kan pasti jago

Dhirosattha (9:44:40 PM): resesi ekonomi scr umum? ato yg sekarang?

yyyy(9:47:25 PM): yg sekarang

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Hedge your cashflow with a side business – part 1 – What do we need to start one

By Sendy – 21 October 2008

So, you have a job, that gives you a income stream, and regardless of your satisfaction with the amount of the income (most probably you’re not satisfied), it’s important to recognize a more damning fact, that it’s just one source of income.

Now, this represents a risk, if you only have this one source of income, and that source income goes down the drain, you’re entire source of income also goes down the drain. Leaving you with no option but to tap into your savings to maintain your lifestyle while you look for a new job. Baadddddd. This is a double whammy, not only your income move from positive to nil, your asset also move from dismal to even less.

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